Provide the candidate with the knowledge and skills involved in operating a pressure test, considering safety and documentation requirements.
Upon completion of this training program, the participant shall understand pressure test to safely monitor and perform the test.
Course Target
Individuals who are needed to perform pressure testing, whether during normal operations or maintenance, will benefit from this training.
The course can also be used to update the knowledge of persons who perform pressure testing on a regular basis and have become less conscious of the dangers and risks involved.
This program targets the following:
Pressure Test Operator/Technician
QC Inspectors
Individuals who may monitor the pressure test
Individuals who may exist near the test area
As a refresher for engineers concerned with pressure testing
Management, with whom it is required to be familiarized with pressure testing
Course Outline
This course is designed and focuses on these requirements:
Understand the Basic Principles of Pressure Test
Determine the Equipment/s and Tools Required to Perform Pressure Test
How to Calculate the Test Pressure
How to Prepare the System for Pressure Test
How to Monitor and Control the System During the Test